Posted by Kellecia West on

Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming or v-steam,  is a sacred self-care practice that has been used by women for centuries to heal and tone the vagina. By applying gentle heat and moisture, herbal steam permeates the external vagina and carries medicinal plant properties to the tissues, increasing circulation. The plant medicines are absorbed into the bloodstream and circulated into the reproductive system where they help to stimulate healing.

This powerful ritual helps nourish the vagina while healing and restoring divine femininity. Steaming helps improve stagnation and cleanses old residue in the vaginal canal and womb space. If blood from the previous menstrual cycle has not been properly cleared, the body identifies it as a foreign substance. This activates muscles in the abdomen to attempt to push it out of the body. This muscle contracting action often results in painful cramps. Doing vaginal steams assists the body with cleansing and improves circulation, which enhances the body’s own healing mechanisms. On an emotional level, steaming activates a connection to femininity and is a powerful act of self-love.

The Benefits of Yoni Steaming

There are several benefits to the sacred practice of yoni steaming, varying from emotional and spiritual healing to physical cleansing. Different women steam for different reasons. It’s essential that you know what you are doing, what herbs you are using & why, and that you don’t over steam. The frequency of yoni-steaming rituals varies from woman to woman; pay attention to your body’s signals and find a pattern that works for you.


Balancing Menses

A healthy period is generally 3-4 days of moderate bright red blood flow without clots.

Doing vaginal steams 1x the week before your period and 1x the week after your period can assist in relieving menstrual pain & reducing brown blood, thereby balancing menstrual issues over time.

Increasing Fertility

The importance of proper circulation and full clearance of each menstrual cycle is especially important in achieving optimal fertility. If there’s a build-up of past menses, tissues, cysts, etc., then there’s a chance that a fertilized egg will be unable to complete the implantation process. Yoni-steaming supports proper blood flow to the pelvic area and therefore helps prepare the womb for a possible pregnancy.

*never steam when pregnant or if you think you might be!

Postpartum Healing

Yoni steaming has been utilized as a standard postpartum ritual for women around the world. This is often done under the care and advice of a midwife to promote healing from the birthing process and support postpartum recovery. In addition to physical healing of the delicate tissue, the new mom also benefits from emotional and spiritual healing as she lovingly takes care of her womb that has just brought a beautiful new life into the world.

Benefits and uses of yoni steaming

  • Heals and tones the tissues of the vagina

  • Regulates menstrual cycle and flow - such as decreasing flow or restoring an absent cycle; it can also help to clear blood clots

  • Reduces symptoms of bloating, cramping, and pain during menstruation *when done prior to menstruation, it helps reduce the severity of symptoms

  • Increases fertility

  • Helps to clear uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis

  • Helpful for pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, or tightness

  • Trauma & emotional healing + a reconnection to femininity

  • Postpartum healing, healing from a miscarriage or an abortion

  • Helps to heal hemorrhoids

  • Supports complete cycles pre-menopause

  • Helps relieve vaginal dryness during menopause


Precautions / Contraindications

  • Do not steam if you’re pregnant or if you are trying to conceive; speak with a practitioner

  • Do not steam during your period  

  • Do not steam if you have an IUD

  • Do not steam if there is excess heat in the body due to fever, hot flashes, or night sweats

  • Do not use essential oils, they are too harsh for the vagina. stick with dried or fresh herbs.

  • Do not steam if you have any type of internal or external infection

  • Speak with a midwife about steaming postpartum

  • Speak with an herbalist or holistic practitioner if you are working to heal severe hormonal issues or infertility

found yoni steams to heal many of our womb-woes, including:

  • Reconnection with the sacred center of creation that lies within us

  • Release of stored grief and trauma

  • Gentle arousal and the activation of female sexuality

  • Regulation of the cycle as well as reduction of pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

  • Increased fertility

  • Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

  • Treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis.

  • Assistance with the healing of hemorrhoids.

  • Treatment chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odor.

  • Relief for the symptoms of menopause.

  • Detoxification of the womb and elimination of contaminants from the body.

Today, the yoni steam is becoming known as the forgotten ancient wisdom for women’s healing. Not only is yoni steaming an incredible opportunity for us to support, heal and regulate our miraculous reproductive system, but it's also an opportunity for us to take a moment to love, appreciate and indulge our beautiful yonis and ourselves.

 As you sleep, the herbs continue to work on your reproductive system, and you’ll wake up feeling more relaxed, joyful and connected to your womb space. You may be surprised about what becomes available to you mentally and physically after treating yourself. If you are like countless other women who have tried yoni steaming, you’ll also notice that your next period will be more comfortable, with reduced cramps, less bloating and more energy.

I believe it’s time for women everywhere to discover the beauty of our own bodies, to celebrate our miraculous yonis, and to begin to understand the gifts the Earth has given us to treat ourselves. It’s time we all steam our yonis to heal and celebrate the sacred feminine.

I invite you to share this knowledge with the women in your life because happier yonis mean happier women, happier communities, and ultimately, a happier planet. The time has come, embark on your wellness journey today with HappyKittyTreats. 


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